Tuesday, 9 February 2010

solving problems....

i thought i solved one problem only to find i had actually created more

my beautiful new studio has turned out not to have enough ventilation
something i clearly hadn't considered properly before i took on the lease....not something i've ever had a problem with as i usually work outside...or if not outside with large doors open

so now i have a problem...not insurmountable i'm sure but very trying and emotionally draining as i am desperate to get back to work after a long break...luckily my new landlord is amazingly positive and helpful...and busy...still i think i'm hopeful we can solve it..no of course i'm sure we can!

i'm not going to even begin to mention my computer problem as i can feel the tears welling up just thinking about it :(

so to cheer myself up i've been painting roses...lots of roses...and i've found that bright pink paint again...hurray
also some very very good news that deserves a separate post....

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

You'll solve it - fans, dehumidifiers, an outdoor space there??????????????? THe pink roses are lush!

Hugs Lindsey