Friday, 20 August 2010

arraiolos memory

arraiolos memory
100 x 100 cms
mixed media

a painting inspired by stitching and churches and walls and music

and grasses and being outside in the sunshine

the alternative name for this painting was

'this is my church'


Lindsey said...

Very much your church, just beautiful!

Anonymous said...

this is my church .... very maxi jazz Nx

kaiteM said...

a beautiful painting for my idea of church also; what is your medium? i enlarged it and studied all the marks, but i want to get even closer and smell it...kaite

Sally Stafford said...

thank you Lindsey x
you got it N x

Kaite the painting is mainly acrylics...with some marbling inks, charcoal and enamel thrown in
sadly not so pleasant to smell...but you imagine incense :)

if you are interested in my painting process theres a vid here
sally x